Bath: For external, nitrofuran susceptible, microbial diseases of marine and freshwater aquarium and pond fishes, use 1 capful (~9.7g) per 10 gallons (38L) of water. Partial or complete water change (using Ultimate® or a combination of Stress-X® and ClorAm-X®) must be made just prior to the beginning of treatment and every 24 hours thereafter with redose for up to 7 days or unti improved condition is noted or losses cease. If improvement is not noted within three (3) days, discontinue treatment and consider other therapy.
Short-Term Dip For Marine Fishes: Mix the proper amount of BiFuran+™ into a container of conditioned freshwater (using Ultimate® or a combination of Stress-X® and ClorAm-X®) and place the diseased fishes into the container with gentle aeration. Allow the fishes to remain in this dip treatment until they can no longer remain upright or show other signs of osmotic stress (typically no longer than 1 minute). After treatment return the treated fishes to normal seawater for recovery. Repeat daily as needed.
Oral: For systemic (internal) infections, Bifuran+™ can be fed mixed with fish food or preferably used as part of a prepared food. Check out our article on how to make medicated feed.
DO NOT OVERDOSE - this means you should calculate the actual amount of water in your tank by multiplying the length x width x height and dividing by 238 to get the true gallons. Please also deduct the amount of space consumed by substrate (gravel, sand, etc.) rock, decorations or other things which are displacing water.
NOTE: We do not recommend using any sulfur or sulfinite-based water conditioners with this product. If your normal water conditioner does not list the ingredients please verify with the maker that it does not contain these ingredients. If you notice any rotten egg smell to the product, it likely does have these ingredients and should be avoided as it could cause the product to be less effective and the dissolved oxygen levels to be negatively impacted.
Use BiFuran+™ for microbial disease treatment for bacterial diseases or protozoan diseases for freshwater, marine or pond fishes.